Well, I know it has been a while since I have blogged, but life just keeps getting in the way. It has been a very exciting summer with lots of activities for this old lady!!! First we started off with a visit from Michele and Lincoln and Nate. It was so awesome for Michele to come to Chicago and help with me with the final Vernon Hills Pageant - the pageant is not ending just the Bond Family contribution to it is. We went out with a bang! Michele spent many long hours on the computer and arranged a fantastic pagent. We had a 50's theme in honor of the 50th anniversity of our town. It was such a great pageant with wonderful queens this year. It was difficult to give this up, but with Michele in California and me in grad school there just isn't any time. It has been a great experience and one that brought Michele and I even closer. I will miss that. Speaking of Michele - boy does she have a cute little boy. Lincoln is growing up and just so cute. He really bonded to his grandma and loved the fact that I would get up with him early in the morning and feed him puffs. I miss him so much. Please check out her blog for pictures of the little man. We were so busy we never took any pictures and I apologize for that but Michele does such a good job of posting pictures you can get an idea of what their family looks like. Before Michele and family left, I got a call that Cort was ready to have her fancy girl. Because they have invited me to be present in the delivery room, I took the first flight out to Idaho Falls. I got to be there for the arrival of fancy girl (aka Savannah Belle Bond) and to spend time with my grandson Kyle. It was been a great experience being in their new home and watching the interaction of my kids with their kids. My daughter and daughter in law are wonderful mothers and I stand all amazed at their abilities to spend time with their children and to really enjoy it. Rich and I will be returning to Chicago (oh ya, Rich drove out after the birth to be at the blessing. It was great to see him and he says he will never drive 24 hours again by himself. He likes to have the conversation I provide) on Friday and plan on getting to home sometime Sunday afternoon. I will probably collapse for a week and then get ready to start school again.
I am currently a 3rd grade teacher in Lincolnshire Illinois. I have been teaching for 10 years and love every minute of it - well, most minutes I do. I am a grandmother of two Kyle and Lincoln and the future grandmother of another (Matt & Cort's baby due July 20,08) While I am much too young to be a grandmother, I do love being one.