This Sunday was a red letter day for the Bond's! I had all three of my darling children and spouses/significant others over for a family Sunday dinner. It was so much fun. As you can see by the attached pictures, Kyle, age 21 months, was the star of our show. Matt, Cort and Kyle are visiting from Idaho for a few weeks. I am having so much fun with him. My daily walks now consist of walking to the park to play on the playground equipment. He is such a boy and enjoys being outside when ever possible. Michele, as you can tell, is now in her seventh month and growing appropriately. She is a very cute pregnant lady, but does not feel very cute most of the time. David and Kelly also joined us and they are both busy with their jobs and careers. He started a new job this week with Gift of Hope and is now involved in the organ donation part of life. He has so far found the work to be very good and as usual he is learning a lot and growing as a professional. I love Summer - can I just say that!!!
Happy Fourth of July! It has been a very eventful day for all of us here in Chicago. We started early with the parade. I managed to wave and embarasse our family name for the entire 2 mile parade route. I have posted a picture of my colorful, American celebration outfits including my toes!!! We then went to watch the queens throw out the first pitch at the all star game, a picnic with our ward and finally the fireworks tonight. Busy day and Michele looks a little tired, but we are hanging in there. After all - 4th of July in Vernon Hills is Americana at its best!!!
I am currently a 3rd grade teacher in Lincolnshire Illinois. I have been teaching for 10 years and love every minute of it - well, most minutes I do. I am a grandmother of two Kyle and Lincoln and the future grandmother of another (Matt & Cort's baby due July 20,08) While I am much too young to be a grandmother, I do love being one.