Sunday, May 20, 2007

Down, Down, Down I go

Well after switching to a Saturday am meeting Weight Watchers meeting I am pleased to announce I have lost another 2 pounds. That gives me a total of 48.6 pounds. I am so close to 50 I can taste it - and it taste somewhat like pizza!! Michele and Nate are still gone, so until they get back tomorrow I will not be able to update my ticker or post the picture I took today of another dress possibility. We are really totally helpless without Michele. I have a very busy week ahead of me. Tuesday night we welcome the incoming 2nd grade parents to our school - give them a tour, explain the school, etc. Michele and I then leave on Thursday am for outdoor ed. This is a fourth grade experience, but they ask the really fun third grade teachers to come along!! I am teaching a class many students try to get into - Solar Ovens. It is probably not me that makes them want to go to my class, but rather the fact that they get to cook smores! Hello Dolly is next weekend and dress rehersal is on the 31st. We had another long rehersal on Saturday and I think I can now say that I am learning to not only say my lines, but be able to walk on stage at the same time. This is a major accomplishment and has taken a lot of work. I just hope I can remember every thing I am suppose to when the big night arrives. It is probably not a great thing that the day of the preformance I am taking my class to Chicago for an all day sight seeing tour and boat trip. Just happened it worked out to be the same day, but oh well it will keep my mind off the evening preformance. Once this is over I can start packing for California. Can't tell you how excited I am about this trip. Having Michele go with me is a real plus. Also being able to see Biggie and Matt and Cortney makes getting on that plane worth while.

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