Saturday, May 26, 2007

I MADE 50!!!!

This am at Weight Watcher's I made a big milestone. I not only reached the 50 pounds lost mark, but I also weigh the lowest I have in 15+ years!!! That is a big accomplishment and I am taking a lot of pride and excitment in this. The pre- weight loss Debbie would have treated herself to a Big Mac, but now that I have made eating right and exercising a way of life, I instead treated myself to a nice manicure. I also did something else this week that many would think crazy. I went through my closet and got rid of 4 garbage bags filled with clothes. They were not bad clothes, in fact many were very nice clothes. They were just too big now and I decided that because this is the last time I am going to do this, I was going to get rid of clothes instead of holding on the them for when I needed them again. It actually felt pretty good and also a little scary at the same time. As I look at my also completely empty closet, I wonder why I did it. Then I remember that I am not going back only forward and I remember why I did it. I am also not thrilled to fill the closet up right now as I still have 43 pounds to go. Like my darling son in law said today - "43 pounds - that's nothing - your more than half way there!" So I will focus on that..continuing to move forward .... All is well here. Michele and I managed to get through outdoor ed. Except for the bugs, heat, rain, dirt, food and no sleep it was a good two days. !!! It is just one more thing to check off the list however, so I am glad it is done. We are well into the pageant planning phase of our lives. The pageant is quickly approaching and when the phone rings now, we respond with "Pageant Central" We had our first meeting and had 29 darling girls competing for an opportunity to reign as this years queens. I also enjoy/dread this time. Love doing the pageant but hate all the work involved prior to the big event. Without Michele this would not be possible. We are at the point now where I make phone calls , provide my credit card, and look important the night of rehersals and the pageant. Michele does everything else. It is a system that is working for me. However Nate, would probably not agree. This Friday night is also the performance of Hello Dolly. Michele and I are looking forward to this event also being over. I think if our plates were not so full right now, we would have enjoyed this experience a lot more. Oh well, summer is a coming and so is relaxion hopefully.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.