Thursday, March 22, 2007

Good and Bad Day

Well it is Thursday and it has been a really good and bad day. First the good. I lost 3.8 pounds at Weight Watchers this week. This is always good, but it leads me to the bad. Probably the reason I have done so well is that I have had the stomach flu. It has been really bad - so bad in fact I went the the urgent care facility at 5:00 this am because I knew I was getting into trouble. They gave me two bags of IV solution to combate the dehydration and several medications which has taken care of the nausea, but makes me feel very loopy (as if I needed medication to do that) Anyway my goal and hope is to make it to school tomorrow because it is the last day before spring break and there is a talent show that many of my kids are in. But a part of me wants to take to my bed and not come out for 3 more days. American Idol is getting me mad. Simon Cowell is quoted in People magazine as saying if Sanvari wins he (Simon) will quit. I agree. My girl Lakisa did great, but I just don't know if America will agree. Michele came over today to comfort me and climbed on my bed and went right to sleep. She is feeling better, but is still very tired. It was good of her to come and visit me. They are leaving Monday for a week in Florida and I will miss them a lot but they need to get to a warmer climate for awhile. I just love hearing from you all.


Mandy said...

That is so scary! I hate being sick! It is good that you have spring break to rest up and get all the way back on your feet! And no matter how the weight comes comes OFF! Yeah! Keep up the good work!

Susie said...

I'm so sorry you're not feeling well- Lynn had to go back to the doctor again today too- 4 more prescriptions cause he has a raging sinus infection! Way to go on the weight- I agree with Mandy- as long as it comes off!!